We provide voice communications system for use within a building or small collection of buildings, functioning independently of the public telephone network. Intercoms are generally mounted permanently in buildings to ease communication within the organization and also cut down communication cost.


Free services: The intercom after installation gives you free access to communication within the organization without any charges from service providers.

Quickly reach anyone you need: When you call an employee or co-worker via phone, you’re not sure if they even know the phone rang. With an internal intercom system, employees can respond instantly with the push of a button, even if they’re busy. Plus, no one has to sit around while phones ring. These systems are ideal for quick messages, such as asking someone to check their email for an important message. It takes seconds to get in touch with someone while it could take minutes or longer with phones. With intelligent internal intercom systems, you get instant communication no matter where the employee might be within the office

Send out general and emergency announcements: Phone systems don’t usually allow office wide announcements. If your business needs to send out a quick announcement to everyone, such as coming to the break room for a surprise party (naturally, you’d leave the party part out), press a button and you’re able to talk to everyone at once. Also, emergency announcements are simpler than ever. Sounding an alarm works well, but how many employees might think it’s just a drill? A quick announcement over the intercom system and everyone within the business knows what the emergency is and how to respond.

• Compliment surveillance systems: Modern security internal intercom systems work well with surveillance systems. For instance, if you see an employee in an area they shouldn’t be in, talk to the employee via the intercom in that area. In the case of an emergency, anyone watching the surveillance cameras can inform employees of what to do and where to go.

Modern Security Consult Limited

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