Biometric terminals use advanced technology to scan fingerprints. With a biometric attendance system, employee attendance is accurately logged. You can prevent time theft and attendance abuse. You have the option to restrict access to certain rooms in your business. .

Benefits of Our Fingerprint Attendance System:

liminates time theft: Companies have had trouble with time theft in the past and will likely have the same problems in the future if nothing is done. But how were employees stealing company time? They might not have logged their breaks properly, or wrote down that they left work 15 minutes after they really left.

Employees might also have purposefully clocked in and out of work one minute before and one minute after their shift to gain time paid in each payroll period. All of this can be eliminated with our biometric attendance system. When companies eliminate time theft, they save money and make it a better place to work.

Ease to Use :Another benefit of modern security biometrics finger print software is that it is incredibly easy to install and use. No matter how simple a previous system was, the software will not confuse employees in the least bit. All they need to do is scan their fingerprint on the device at the office and it will be entered into the system with their name and other information. It will take all of a 30-minute meeting with employees to explain the new system and show them how it works. It is also worth noting that the system is secure and personal data can’t be compromised.

Improved compliance : A biometrics attendance system can also help your company improve its compliance with employment laws. Should the Department of Labour audit your business, a system using biometrics will make it easier to pull records of individual employees or a group of employees so that a decision can be made as soon as possible. Proof of attendance is very important, which is why a biometrics system can make all the difference when dealing with an audit by the Department of Labour.

Modern Security Consult Limited

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